Santa Fe Workshops Offer Photography Mentorships

23 June 2009
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© Santa Fe Workshops

In addition to the 150 educational workshops offered each year by Santa Fe Photographic Workshops (, the photographic resource center began offering individual mentorship programs in January.

After an initial orientation, students are paired with one of the 12 photography professionals affiliated with the studio, who include Nevada Wier, Arthur Meyerson, Sam Abell and Elizabeth Opalenik. The program focuses on each student's particular aspirations, whether it is to enhance technical skills, capture a personal style or generate career advancement, and includes assignments, critiques and mentor consultations.

The programs are offered worldwide, and most of the mentorship occurs remotely, either by phone or online. However, weekend gatherings will be held each year for mentorship apprentices, giving them the opportunity to attend seminars and lectures and to network with other mentorship participants.

The individualized sessions, which can last anywhere from one day to 12 months, range in price from $375 to $4,500.