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UPDIG Standardizes Digital Marketplace


Because the advent of digital photographic technology is rapidly changing the image marketplace, a working group representing digital imaging professionals and allied trade groups and manufacturers has drafted the Universal Photographic Digital Imaging Guidelines (UPDIG).

Gaps in creative and quality control have led to confusion, inequities, loss of quality and unnecessary expense, according to the working group. In addition, the lack of transparencies or reference prints has left a void in the image-quality control chain that can be filled only by integrated color management that adheres to accepted ICC workflow protocols.

Worldwide imaging quality and delivery standards will facilitate reliable and repeatable image reproduction, the group believes. The guidelines identify four objectives to address professional photographers' concerns:

• Making digital imaging practices clearer and more reliable.

• Developing a web resource in order to establish a common languageamong photographers and other members of the imaging supply chain.

• Demonstrating the creative and economic benefits of these guidelines to clients and the reproduction industry.

• Developing industry guidelines and suggested workflow protocols for various types of image reproduction.

Adoption of these standards would ensure that images look the same as they are transferred among devices, platforms and vendors, and that they are prepared in the correct resolution, at the correct size.

In addition, embedded metadata that conform to IPTC standards would make the images searchable as well as providing usage, copyright and contact information.

For more details, see updig.org.