John Lund
John Lund has been a professional photographer for more than 30 years. One of the pioneers in digital capture, Lund gives many lectures and has written many magazine articles about digital photography and Photoshop. For more information his website.
Website URL: http://www.johnlund.com E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
John Lund: Shooting Stock Abroad Unpublished
Helpful hints from a veteran stock shooter who's been everywhere and tried everything
Not that the question needs to be asked, but why would anyone shoot stock abroad? After all, unless you're taking travel shots that depend on specific locations, what difference does it make if you're shooting in California or in Calcutta?
Well, I don't know about other photographers, but for me there are several reasons to shoot in foreign countries. For starters, I can get access to some locations and other resources that I could not in the United States. More importantly, travel rejuvenates me creatively and adds to the richness of my life...