Rachael Nusbaum
Rachael Nusbaum is a business development manager at Lonely Planet Images in Oakland, Calif.
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How to Get Your Travel Photos Noticed Unpublished
Here are some tips from Lonely Planet Images to help guide you through the daunting challenges of the new travel photography marketplace.
Provide something unique — With the flood of digital images in the marketplace, it’s more important than ever to make your photos stand out. Much of a successful photographer’s work is planning (having the right equipment and getting to the right place at the right time) and persistence (waiting for just the right light or expression). "I look for images containing strong, simple compositions with a clear point of interest that will inspire people to travel," says LPI photo editor Glenn Beanland. "They should offer something new or...
The Changing Landscape of Travel Unpublished
The dizzying changes of the last 10 years require a new way of marketing travel-related photos.
In the first decade of the new millennium, major technological changes have fundamentally altered the travel and photography industries. For both fields, the effect has been one of democratization.
Prices for digital SLR cameras have dropped, thereby lowering the barriers to entry for photographers, who are now able to access cameras with high enough resolution to meet the strict submission standards of stock agencies. Travel shooters are getting more instant logistics help than ever before with sophisticated planning tools like travel applications for...