Bob and Gloria Willis
Bob and Gloria Willis are a travel writing and photography team, residing in Scottsdale, Ariz. (www.bobwillistravel.com). Gloria's features and stories appear in a number of publications. Over a 45-year career, Bob has carried cameras to every continent and crossed the Atlantic more than 300 times. Bob has been recognized in many Society of American Travel Writers competitions, and both are members of Western Writers of America.
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The Three R's of Travel Photography: Refocus, Reinvent, Rethink Unpublished
We were recently invited to sit in on a friend's travel writing seminar. He began with a warning to the audience: "Stop! Get out while there's still time — that is, unless you already have a good retirement income or you're a trust-fund baby."
Acquaintances tell us what a thrilling career we've chosen, that they, too, love to travel, can write well and have taken some nice shots with their digital cameras. They want to know how to make money by writing about their travels.
As all professional travel writers and photographers know, although our jobs may appear to be glamorous, they're not all fun and games. By now, we've developed a standard response...