Lindsay Larin
Since graduating with a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Washington State University in 2006, I have worked with several publications including; Seattle Business Monthly, Northwest Meetings and Events magazine, Seattle magazine, PhotoMedia magazine and Reporter newspapers with a readership of more than 4o,000.
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Tracking the Great Grizzly Unpublished
A week's journey into the pristine bear country of the Alaska Peninsula
For most people, their only encounters with grizzly bears happen during trips to the zoo, where the animals are safely behind enclosures. On the Alaska Peninsula, however, the tables are turned. The few human visitors who pass through the remote region might, themselves, be considered curious zoo exhibits by the much larger bear population.One of the best ways to get up close and personal with these giant creatures in their native habitat is to risk becoming lunch by journeying into the peninsula's Katmai National Park and Preserve. Tucked neatly into the southwestern region of the state, Katmai is a prime location for grizzlies...