Anna Peekstok
Anna Peekstok is a Seattle-based freelance writer.
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Chris Rainier: Illuminating Cultures From Within Unpublished
The Internet has always held the promise of bridging the gap between diverse cultures, but so far most of the information seems to have flowed in one direction: from developed nations in the West, and particularly North America, to the rest of the world. "The validity of information that flows from indigenous cultures towards us is as strong as the other way around," says Chris Rainier, a photojournalist for National Geographic Traveler magazine and cofounder of Cultures on the Edge (cultureontheedge.com), a web site designed to share information between disparate cultures around the world...
Exotic Photography: Return to the Road Less Traveled Unpublished
With much of the world still preoccupied with terrorism, the exotic travel industry in the post-9/11 world has taken its lumpos of late. Are we due for a resurgence in popularity?
No question about it - the U.S. travel industry has taken major hits in the last year and a half. The economy was already heading south in 2001 when the events of Sept. 11 transformed attitudes about the safety of air travel in the space of a single morning.
In 2002 we saw increased violence in the Middle East, terrorist bombings in....
The Rise of the One-Stop Photo Shop Unpublished
To meet the needs of a new digital market, some studios are offering clients a full-service package, providing assistance from concept to print.
It’s no secret that over the last two decades digital technology has sparked a revolution in the way printed materials are made. That change has now swept into the high-volume photography studio, and it involves a lot more than just buying and using a different kind of camera.
Even when an image is captured on film instead of in bytes, sooner or later (and these days it’s usually sooner) it enters the digital world through scanning. That’s when the real changes kick in...