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SanDisk Introduces Higher-Speed Extreme Pro CompactFlash Card

SanDisk 16 GB SanDisk 16 GB

SanDisk has released the Extreme Pro CompactFlash memory card, featuring a SanDisk Power Core Controller and an advanced memory controller. It is available in sizes ranging from 16 to 64 GB.

Offering higher-speed performance than previous flash cards, the new SanDisk card can read/write at speeds of up to 90 MB per second over a UDMA-6 bus.

Increased storage capacity enables photographers to capture RAW format images and high-definition video clips all on one card.

Fully compatible with any camera, the Express Pro will be priced from $300 to $800.

Additional Info

  • Company: SanDisk
  • Company Phone #: 866-726-3475