Blue Earth
Glazer's Camera

Kudos for Photojournalism Issue


Your fall 2001 issue of PhotoMedia, entitled “Photojournalism: Telling the Story,” was superb. Given the deadline pressures and historic events of Sept. 11, you managed to pull together an exceptional issue that’s well worth keeping for years to come. The cover shot [by Ricky Flores] of firefighters raising a flag at Ground Zero the day after the World Trade Center attack was especially impressive. It offered an alternative perspective of that now iconographic image.

When I pass out PhotoMedia to my photojournalism students at Peninsula College, I tell them [it’s] one of the best regional resources available to learn of workshops, gallery showings, industry news, trends and technology shifts.

Soon after moving to Washington state from Cleveland in 1984, I was published in the contest section of your publication. I still recall the thrill of that first contribution to our visual community. Don’t underestimate the role your publication plays in inspiring and enriching the cultural, artistic and educational communities of the Pacific Northwest.

Please keep sending our PhotoMedia subscription to Peninsula College. It’s been a terrific supplement to their learning.

— Richard RiskiJournalism/Media Communications Instructor, Peninsula College,Secretary for the Pacific Northwest Association of Journalism Educators