Bobbi Nodell
Bobbi Nodell, formerly with MSNBC.com, is now a freelance writer based in Seattle.
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Build it and they will come Unpublished
Creating space is a challenge every studio photographer ultimately must face. Seattle's Amy Andersen and Jonathan Ross knew the time had come two years ago, as they gazed around the tiny windowless studio they had come to call "the bomb shelter."
After spending years building a client base and socking away earnings from ever-larger assignments, Andersen Ross Photography had a hefty sum in the bank, and the husband-and-wife photography team knew they wanted to spend it on a bigger studio. They settled on a few simple requirements.
They wanted to find a studio that was sunny yet cavernous. It had to be fabulous yet affordable, with room to grow...
Photo Portals Start to Click Unpublished
Without ever leaving home, you can do everything from finding a camera, ordering images and processing film to taking photo workshops, encrypting images and creating a storefront.
Even for people using 35mm film, the online world has plenty to offer. It's pretty commonplace now for online photography websites to offer film processing, a place to store images and a way to create and share an online photo album with special effects and personal messages—all for free.
Community-building websites such as Robert Farber's Photoworkshop.com offer a wide range of product reviews, discussion boards...
Photojournalism Under Fire Unpublished
Denver Rocky Mountain News photo staff shaken by Columbine tragedy
Janet Reeves was in the morning editorial meeting when the first news crackled in over the police scanner. The time was 11:25 a.m., the date, April 20, 1999. At that instant, just five minutes after the first call went into 911, Reeves knew there had been a shooting at Columbine High School. She had no idea that the events of the next few hours would seize the attention of the world, overshadow the war in Kosovo, and put her photo staff at the center of a controversy that is unfolding to...
The Revolution Will Be Digitized (Like It or Not) Unpublished
In newsrooms across the country and at photo agencies, photojournalists have taken to digital cameras like teens to cell phones.
The digital revolution has changed the face of photography and photojournalism, allowing unprecedented speed in delivering photos and, many say, superior quality.
Last January, at Super Bowl XXXVII in San Diego, Sports Illustrated went 100 percent digital, declaring that the time had arrived. SI often sets the standards for photographic image quality, so the switch was considered nothing short of historic for photojournalism...