Randy Woods
Randy Woods, editor of PhotoMedia, has been in the magazine publishing world for more than 20 years, covering such varied topics as photography, insurance, business startups, environmental issues and newspaper publishing. He is also associate editor for iSixSigma magazine and writes a job—search blog for The Seattle Times called “Hire Ground.”
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Citizen Journalist Site Wins $200,000 Grant Unpublished
The award-winning documentary website 360 Kurdistan recently won a $200,000 Knight News Challenge grant for its journalistic efforts to foster understanding of life, culture and news in present-day Kurdistan.
The site is the work of the Tiziano Project of Los Angeles, which supports...
Nonprofit Offers $20,000 Grant to Conflict Photographers Unpublished
As a tribute to photojournalists Tim Hetherington and Chris Hondros, who were killed in April while covering the war in Libya, the Aftermath Project will be awarding a special, one-time $20,000 grant to a conflict photographer.
The grant will be given to the photographer who best recounts a personal story of...
Lytro Lets You Shoot First, Focus Later Unpublished
Anyone who has ever taken a photo can probably describe a perfect shot that they took — and that they later found was ruined because the camera autofocused on the wrong object.
However, with new technology developed by Ren Ng, the founder of Lytro, this focal dilemma will become...
Seattle Photographer Settles ‘Dance Step’ Lawsuit Unpublished
A copyright protection lawsuit filed by a Seattle sculptor against photographer Mike Hipple was recently settled just days before a trial was scheduled to begin on July 11.
In the suit, sculptor Jack Mackie claimed that a photograph of one of his iconic art installations, taken by...
Ricoh Assumes Pentax's Digital Camera Line Unpublished
The Ricoh Co. — a Japanese electronics manufacturer historically known for its copiers, printers and fax machines — has acquired camera manufacturer Pentax for $128 million.
As part of the acquisition, Ricoh will begin...
Jennifer Shaw Releases 'Hurricane Story' Unpublished
New Orleans photographer Jennifer Shaw has published “Hurricane Story,” a memoir composed of short prose and color photographs.
Shaw's signature images, taken with a toy Holga camera, tell the story of her evacuation from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, the birth of her first son, the pressures of living in a post-disaster environment, and her family’s return to New Orleans...
Facebook to Jump on Photo-Sharing Bandwagon Unpublished
In a development seemingly timed to respond to Twitter’s announcement in June that it will be improving its photo-sharing tools, Facebook, too, is planning to launch a new app for photos soon.
Facebook’s photo app would reportedly be a mélange of several others available today, such as...
PhotoMedia Wins Ninth Consecutive APEX Grand Award Unpublished
For the ninth year in a row, Communications Concepts has honored PhotoMedia with its APEX Grand Award, this time in the Best Writing (For-Profit, Small Office) category.
The 2011 APEX Grand Award was for Roger Ressmeyer’s profile of PhotoMedia’s 2010 Photography Person of the Year, ”Louie Psihoyos: Weapon of Mass Construction,” in our Fall 2010 issue.
“In this outstanding magazine for photography pros, the visuals are superb...
Weighing Costs vs. Benefits of Social Media at Work Unpublished
Social email software vendor Harmon.ie recently conducted a survey on how social media platforms affect workplace productivity. Overall findings? Facebook causes a 1.5 percent loss in total employee productivity. And, 60 percent of work interruptions are instigated by social media distractions.
Harmon.ie has taken these findings and qualified this two-percent loss is actual cost. Based on a salary of...
Sony Expects Third Consecutive Annual Loss Unpublished
In the wake of the 9.0-magnitude earthquake that struck Japan in March, Sony has projected that it wall end the year with a $3.2 billion dollars of loss. Sony had nine plants that either were damaged or experienced shutdowns as a result of the Japan quake.
This is the second time the consumer electronics-company has taken a drastic hit...