Ric Kasnoff
Take an award winning photographer, mix in a healthy dose of technical curiosity, add a passion for sharing with infectious enthusiasm and an ability to relate to people at all levels, then season this with experience at multinational corporations and international start-ups and leadership positions with national professional organizations and you start to get an idea of who I am…
I have spent my life in and around photography. As an award winning photographer I’ve been honored with hundreds of awards for my images of both people and wildlife. Had the pleasure of being the official team photographer for an US Olympic team and have been published in dozens of magazines and periodicals.
Bottom line: I love to create images…I love the entire process from translating the clients wants and needs to the technical challenges to interacting with the subjects and talent…
Website URL: http://www.rickasnoff.com E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Rigging For Travel: One-Bag Convergence Unpublished
One-Bag Convergence: The restrictions of modern travel and the rise of video technology convince one travel shooter to economize.
Not all that long ago, flying with camera gear to a location for a shoot was fairly painless and could even be considered fun most of the time. Flash a business card or your APA membership card, and you were easily able to skirt the baggage limits. Slip the curbside baggage handler a $20 bill, and you could get all the bags you wanted on for free. Sadly, those days have disappeared with the advent of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), baggage fees and oversold flights.
As someone who flies for 80 percent of my work as a photographer, PhotoSafari trip leader and trainer, I had to figure out a way to get what I needed onto the airplane with me without breaking the bank or...