YouSendIt Plug-In Released by Adobe
YouSendIt has announced a new plug-in for Adobe's Photoshop. The YouSendIt plug-in allows designers to efficiently send files of any size directly from Photoshop. The plug-in is available for Photoshop CS2 and CS3 for Windows.
Eliminating the need for photographers and designers to struggle with FTP transfers, the plug-in lets the user burn a CD to mail to an overnight courier and eliminates e-mail bounce-backs from attachments that are larger than recipient networks usually allow.
Files sent through YouSendIt are secure and can be tracked with assured delivery and a receipt. The plug-in can be conveniently downloaded directly from the YouSendIt web site. Previously, YouSendIt released a direct-delivery plug-in for Apple Aperture. YouSendIt also offers beta versions of plug-ins that allow a user to send files directly from Microsoft Outlook and CorelDRAW.