Blue Earth
Glazer's Camera
On The Market
Gail Mooney

Gail Mooney

Gail Mooney, co-owner of Kelly/Mooney Productions in Brookside, N.J. (kellymooney.com), is a photographer and digital media production specialist. Contact her at gail@kellymooney.com.

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Making the Move to Video Unpublished

04 March 2010 Published in Great Gear

With today's DSLRs rapidly expanding their video capabilities, here are some tips on how even a still-camerea photographer can become the next Scorsese.

Video seems like a hot topic these days, but there’s nothing really new about it. Video has been around since the first days of television. What is new is the increased demand for video due to broadband and mobile devices — and that means opportunity.

YouTube gets 100 million hits a day. In our digital society, people interact and communicate more and more via the web and social media sites. Due to faster internet connections, we are able to watch videos without the painful process of waiting for them to download. Marketers, corporations, institutions and publishers have all taken notice of the power of online video sharing and realize the potential it has to get their message out...